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New Reasons To Believe
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Throughout history as mankind argued over the sources or the messengers of the Holy Books, he has not looked at the contents of the message. In fact, it is what is written in the Holy Books that make them divine.The way to prove that one is a believer does not come by destroying the non-believer but through making a believer of him. This means that the true believer is at the same time able to influence.By presenting information about places man's thoughts have not tread before I have written this book as an invitation to believe to those who have not yet believed and to those who believe and would like to move into the phase of influence.I am ever prepared to exchange my views with those more advanced than the information and expriences that I have opened to your insight.Aydin TURKGUCUİnce Kapak: Baskı Yılı: 2009e-Kitap: Sayfa Sayısı: 251Baskı Yılı: 2009Dili: İngilizceYayınevi: Exit -Çıkış Yayınları

Sayfa Sayısı : 0

İlk Baskı Yılı : 2009

Dil : İngilizce

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