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The Counter Revolutionary Role Of The Dashnagzoutiun Party
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2007 yılında kaynak yayınlarından çıkan kitap İngilizce olarak basılmış. Tanıtım Metni:

This is the second book of the series titled "The Falsification of Armenian Genocide in Armenian Documents".

The book you are holding in your hands now is the work of an objective and sincere Armenian historian who bases his ideas on facts.

With this book by Lalaian, we are opening the Armenian State Archives to the readers, for Lalaian explains the Turko-Armenian Relations between 1914-23 with referance to documents most of which are in the Armenian Archives.

Lalaian exposes the Dashnagzoutiun reality and what he calls""the so-called Armenian Question" and studies especially the following important issues:

- The relations between the Dashnagzoutiun and the great powers.

- The powers behind the project of "Great Armenia from

Sea to Sea"

- The Dashnag policy of ethnic cleasing.

- The armed activities of the Dashnag volunteer movement and their practices on Armenian people.

- We owe thanks to the Armenian historian Lalaian for leaving us the minutes of history.
(Tanıtım Bülteninden)

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